MSWA Posting 2nd February


Emergency WA is the State’s official website for community warnings and other emergency management information for bushfires, storms, cyclones, and floods


Community services are available to people seeking help, and this includes emergency relief providers. You can search for help, such as financial assistance, food hampers and emergency accommodation using the WAConnect emergency relief services directory


Don’t forget you can likely keep any existing medical appointments or make appointments using telehealth which provides convenient health care on your schedule and from the safety of your home. Information about telehealth is available here


Do you know what you will do if fire threatens your home? Create your bush fire plan


General advice has been provided by the State Government that if you are in an area subject to lockdown restrictions, put your bushfire plan into action now and continue to follow precautions to minimise the spread of the virus.

People are encouraged to do whatever they need to do to take care of the safety of them and the loved ones – whether this means evacuating to a centre or staying with friends. Social distancing and mask wearing should continue. More information can be found on the u


The news provided the following advice to deal with smoke:

  • Follow your asthma management plan if you have one. Keep your medication close at hand. Consult your doctor if symptoms worsen.
  • Avoid vigorous outdoor activity.
  • Spend more time indoors. Keep doors and windows shut to keep the smoke out.
  • Avoid indoor sources of air pollution like cigarettes, candles and incense sticks.


The COVID-19 information line is: 13 COVID (13 26843)

The list of potential exposure sites can be found here:

Anyone who has attended a location visited by a confirmed case needs to be tested and quarantine until the result is known. A list of testing locations is available here:

Symptoms of COVID-19 are available here:

QR CODE CHECK-IN: The COVID-19 safe app check-in has expanded to include most locations you’re likely to enter. This helps with contact tracing. Download the SAFE WA app for your phone here Every venue also needs to provide a paper-based contact register system as well.

EXERCISE: Maximum of one hour, two adults and three children from one household and up to five kilometres from home.

TRAVEL: Perth and Peel have been combined and are considered one region, so you can for essential purposes travel within that region. There are 15 checkpoints across the state.

SHOPPING: People are permitted to visit the shops to pick up groceries. There are limits on how many of some items you can buy.  Non-essential shops are closed.

Coles and Woolworths are permitted to open from 7am this week. Please check your local store for more information as that is up to each individual store.

MASKS: Must be worn when outside your home at all times. Even during exercise (unless you are swimming). Kids under 12 do not have to wear a mask.


Act, Belong, Commit has developed a 5 Day Lockdown plan to help people get through the lockdown–a-5-day-plan.


If you require mental health support, please contact your usual support team or:

  • Beyond Blue – 1800 512 348
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Men’s Line Australia – 1300 78 99 78
  • Brother to Brother – Australia’s 24/7 hotline for Aboriginal men on 1800 435 799.

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